The 4th of July is such a fun and special time of year. Be sure to hold a celebration at your facility to celebrate our freedom!
Watch a parade or maybe even participate in one. Or, hold your own parade right in your building or on the facility grounds!
A BBQ or Picnic are fun ideas too. THE HISTORY OF INDEPENDENCE DAY Independence Day, or the Fourth
of July is the adoption by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, of the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the severance
of the allegiance of the American colonies to Great Britain. It is the greatest secular holiday of the United States, observed
in all the states, territories and dependencies. Although it is assumed that the Continental Congress unanimously
signed the document on the 4th of July, in fact not all delegates were present and there were no signers at all.
Here is what really happened. The congressional delegate from Virginia, Richard Henry Lee, introduced in the
Continental Congress, on June 7, 1776, a resolution "that...body declare the United Colonies free and independent
States, absolved from allegiance to or dependence on the Crown or Parliament of Great Britain..." On June 10
a committee of five, headed by Thomas Jefferson (the actual writer), was appointed to prepare a declaration suitable to
the occasion in the event that the Virginia resolution was adopted. Jefferson's version was revised by Benjamin Franklin,
John Adams, and Jefferson himself before it went to the Congress where they did some editing of their own. Congress
approved the resolution July 2; the declaration composed by Jefferson and amended by his committee was adopted July 4
and was read in the yard of the state house July 8. New York did not even vote on it until July 9. The signing was
even more gradual, and it is somewhat misleading to speak of the "fifty-six original signers of the Declaration
of Independence". By August 6, most of those whose names are on the document had signed, but at least six signatures
were attached later. One signer, Thomas McKean did not attach his name until 1781! Some of those who signed were
not even in Congress when the Declaration was adopted, and some who voted for it in Congress never did get around
to signing it. Robert R. Livingston was one of the committee of five; he helped to frame it; he voted for it; and he
never signed it. The first anniversary of the declaration was observed only in Philadelphia, Pa., by the
adjournment of Congress, a ceremonial dinner, bonfires, the ringing of bells and fireworks. In 1788, after the requisite
number of states had adopted the constitution, Philadelphia celebrated July 4 by elaborate festivities, including a grand
procession. Boston, Mass., first observed the day in 1783, and thereafter this celebration replaced that
of the Boston Massacre, March 5. The custom spread to other cities and states, where the day was marked by parades, patriotic
oratory, military displays and fireworks. In present time, games and athletic contests, picnics, patriotic programs and
pageants, and community fireworks of pyrotechnic expertise are characteristic of the 4th of July.

BULLETIN BOARD IDEA Celebrate The Fourth of July with this version of Old Glory. Cover a bulletin board with white
paper. Divide the board into 13 equal, horizontal rows. Beginning with the top row, cover every other row with cut-to-fit
strips of red bulletin-board-paper. Mount a large, blue bulletin-board-paper rectangle in the upper left hand corner. Have
each resident glue a photo of themself to the center of a white construction-paper star; then mount all of the stars in the
blue area.

GAMES Pass the Map Game Here's what you need: 20 small pieces of paper A Map of the United States
Directions: Write North on 5 cards, South on 5 cards, East on 5 cards, and West on 5 cards. How to Play Shuffle
all 20 cards. The first player calls out a state. The player to his left draws one directional card and identifies a state
bordering the called state, in that direction. For example: Utah is called and south is the direction. The card holder
names Arizona as a state bordering Utah on the south. Any bordering state to the south would be correct. Check the map
to make sure the answer is right. Now, pass the map to the next player. Count one point for each correct answer. First
person to earn 20 points wins. JOKES & RIDDLES What do you get when you cross a duck with a flame
on the Fourth of July? A fire quacker. Why does Uncle Sam wear red, white, and blue suspenders? To hold up
his pants. What is the Declaration of Independence? A note excusing you from school. What would you say if
everyone in the U.S. sneezed at the same time? "God bless America!" What are the last 2 words of the national
anthem? "Play ball!"

TRIVIA PRESIDENTIAL TRIVIA http://www.umkc.edu/imc/prestriv.htm FLAG FACTS Until the Executive
Order of June 24, 1912, neither the order of the stars nor the proportions of the flag was prescribed. Consequently,
flags dating before this period sometimes show unusual arrangements of the stars and odd proportions, these features
being left to the discretion of the flag maker. In general, however, straight rows of stars and proportions similar to
those later adopted officially were used. The principal acts affecting the flag of the United States are the following:
Flag Resolution of June 14, 1777 - stated: "Resolved: that the flag of the United States be made of thirteen
stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation."
Act of January 13, 1794 - provided for 15 stripes and 15 stars after May 1795. Act of April 4, 1818 - provided
for 13 stripes and one star for each state, to be added to the flag on the 4th of July following the admission of
each new state. Executive Order of President Taft dated June 24, 1912 - established proportions of the flag and
provided for arrangement of the stars in six horizontal rows of eight each, a single point of each star to be upward.
Executive Order of President Eisenhower dated January 3, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in
seven rows of seven stars each, staggered horizontally and vertically. Executive Order of President Eisenhower
dated August 21, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in nine rows of stars staggered horizon tally
and eleven rows of stars staggered vertically.

4TH OF JULY POETRY 224 years ago...on July 4th, 1776 This great nation, the United States of America, In
a struggle for what was right and free, Was proudly born... May we celebrate that precious freedom For which
our forbears fought so bravely... The freedom that is inherent In the Stars and Stripes, our revered flag... Celebrate
Freedom This Fourth of July! To the Founding Fathers Your light still lingers in our distant morning,A
star that we perceive across the void.We chart our passage by your words, still burningLong after your bright core has been
destroyed.No longer do we speak of "natural" rights,Nor can we think that Reason guides our will.We've been through
far too many gruesome nightsTo hope we have reduced our lust to kill.Yet hope remains the engine of our fire,Hope that someday
all of us will beHappy in the least that we require:Well-fed, well-housed, safe, secure, and free.This dream we still pursue.
Though darkness come,Your wisdom, hope, and courage through us run.

RECIPES EASY FLAG CAKE 2 pints of strawberries, 1 box of your favorite white or yellow cake mix, 1 1/3 C of blueberries
and 1 tub of whipped topping Serves 12 Mix up and bake your favorite cake mix. Let cool. Slice 1 cup of
strawberries, set aside. Halve remaining strawberries, set aside. Top cake (in pan) with 1 cup sliced strawberries, 1 cup
blueberries and all of the whipped topping. Arrange remaining strawberry halves and blueberries on whipped topping to create
a flag design. Refrigerate until ready to serve. AMERICAN FLAG VEGGIE PLATE Here is what you will need: 1
cookie sheet 1 shallow, square container 1 piece of poster board Blueberries Cherry tomatoes Cauliflower
stalks Have the residents help you wash the cherry tomatoes, cauliflower stalks, and blueberries. Put the blueberries
in the shallow container. Place it on the cookie sheet in the upper left hand corner. Cut the poster board so it goes
from the edge of the shallow container to the edge of the cookie sheet. You will also need several pieces of poster board
that spans the entire length of the cookie sheet. Place one of the pieces of poster board about two inches down from the
top of the cookie sheet and have the residents fill the space with tomatoes. Take another piece of poster board and place
it two inches down and fill the space with cauliflower. Keep alternating tomatoes and cauliflower until you get to the end
of the cookie sheet. Now, you have a yummy American flag! FOURTH OF JULY FRUIT SALAD You will need:
bananas, strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream. Wash fruit and cut into slices (can use plastic knives). Mix it all
together in a large bowl and spoon it into individual paper plates. Eat with a spoonful of whipped cream on top!
HICKORY SMOKED HAMBURGERS To one pound of lean ground beef add: 1 tsp worcestershire sauce or more to taste
a good sprinkling of salt and pepper about 4 Tbsp of minced onion a sprinkle of garlic powder

CRAFTS MAGNETIC FLAG FRAME You Need: · Magnetic Frame · 4" x 5" Photo · Vinyl
Tape · Scissors · Star Paper Punch · White Paper and Glue Instructions: Lay down strips of blue vinyl
on the top left side of the frame to make the blue field of the flag. Lay down red vinyl stripes. Punch stars out of label
stock, peel backing press down on blue field. Add your favorite photo and stick to any magnetic surface. PATRIOTIC
JARS You need medium or large baby food jars, red, white and blue tempra paint and sticker stars. You then can use old
sponges or paint brushes to paint the inside of a baby jar red or blue. Next you need to put the sticker stars on the outside
of the jar. These can be in any order or design. Just don't cover the whole thing. At this point put the white tempra paint
over the top of the baby jar, stars included. This might need to be done twice. Set aside to dry. When dry peel the stickers
off. The color on the inside should be revealed in the shape of a star. Put votive candles on the inside of the baby jars.
UNCLE SAM CENTERPIECES Materials: red, white, and blue construction paper red, white, and
blue tempera paint markers or crayons glue cotton paper cup Directions: 1. Turn a paper cup
upside down. On the bottom half of the cup, draw Uncle Sam's face. Use cotton to make a beard; glue onto face. You may also
use the cotton to make hair and eyebrows. 2. Using a six-inch square of white construction paper, cut out a circle. Cut
out a circle in the middle of the larger circle, big enough to fit around the paper cup just above Uncle Sam's face-this is
the brim of the hat, the remaining top half of the cup is the hat itself. 3. Color the brim of the hat red, white and
blue. 4. Paint the hat portion red, white and blue. or you may cut red, white and blue stripes from the construction
paper to glue around the cup.
