Halloween can really be a fun time for your residents. Maybe you will want to plan a big party or maybe just a few simple
games and some treats. Either way here are some resources to help you out! CRAFTS POM POM SPIDER
Black yarn Small square of cardboard Black pipe cleaners Googly eyes or red construction paper Glue
Wind yard around and around cardboard square until heavily covered. Using a small piece of yarn tie securely
at the center, cut edges and remove the cardboard. Insert three pipe cleaners into the knotted center and bend to form
the spider's legs. Glue on goggly eyes or cut out circles from red construction paper. Hang the spider using light-colored
thread. that way it looks like the spider is just hanging in mid-air. GHOST TREAT YOU WILL NEED:
1 dum-dum or blo-pop shaped (ball) lolly pop 1 white kleenex black yarn or thin ribbon black marker
DIRECTIONS: 1. Take the kleenex and place it over the lolly pop to form a ghost. 2. Cut a piece of
yarn or ribbon long enough to tie around the base of the lolly pop to secure the kleenex. 3. Use the marker to draw
eyes on the ghost. 4. Enjoy your new Ghost Treat! JACK-O'-LANTERN CANDY HOLDER Materials: Newspaper
Scissors Balloon Flour and water paste or liquid starch Orange paint Black paint Paint brush Yarn
Shellac 1.Cut the newspaper into 1 to 2 inch strips. 2.Blow up the balloon & tie it. 3.Cover the
balloon with newspaper strips dipped in the flour-and-water paste or liquid starch. 4.Cover the whole balloon two
or three times, and let it dry completely (2 or 3 hours or overnight) 5.Pop the balloon and paint the ball orange.
Add some black eyes,a nose,and a mouth. 6.Cut a zigzag-patterned top off of the pumpkin holder, poke holes in
the sides, and attach a piece of the yarn for a handle. 7.Enjoy! HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN MAGNETS Save
the tops of frozen juice cans, the edges are nice and smooth, and make excellent magnets. Cut orange felt to glue inside,
add yellow felt eyes, nose, and mouth, and a green stem. Wiggly eyes and a strip of magnet to the back complete this
easy craft. BEAN BAG PUMPKINS Any type of halloween or fall looking material will do, cut into
squares the size you want. Can gather but we are going a simpler route. Fill half way with beans and the remainder with
polyfill..tie with yarn or holiday bow. Decorate the outside by hot gluing on the eyes, nose and mouth will be precut pieces
of felt, hot glue a leaf cut out of green felt..simple if pieces all precut, and very adorable, who can resist a beanie!

RECIPES SPIDER WEB CAKE 2 8 or 9 inch round baked cakes. Pick your favorite flavor. 2 cups chocolate frosting
Frost cakes with the chocolate frosting. Now we need to make the spider web. Mix together ½ cup powdered sugar, ¼ teaspoon
vanilla, and about 1-½ tablespoons of milk to make an icing. Put into a plastic bag and cut out a small hole in one corner,
and draw circle with the white icing one inside the other. Draw lines with a knife from the center of the cake to the edges
to make the webs. You can make a spider, with a gumdrop, and licorice. Bend licorice pieces and insert into the sides
of the gumdrop. Put on top of the cake. MYSTICAL PUNCH Ice cube tray, raisins, 4 1-pint bottles cranberry
juice, 2 1/2 cups peach juice, 1 cup fresh lime juice, 2 cups orange juice sugar to taste Place raisins in ice cube
trays. Add water. Freeze. This will make them look like they have insects in them. Keep the juices refrigerated
until you are ready to use them. In a punch bowl, combine all the juices. Add the ice cubes and serve. Makes 20
cups HALLOWEEN PARTY POPS · 1 pk Refrigerated sliceable cookie dough · 20 Wooden sticks ·
Your Favorite Frosting Cut dough into aobut twenty 1/2 inch slices. Roll each slice into a ball. Arrange part
of the balls in a circle on ungreased baking sheets, 3 inches apart and 2 inches from edges. Securely insert a wooden stick
into each ball with end pointing toward center of cookie sheet. Bake in 350 degrees F. oven for 10 to 14 minutes or until
golden brown. Cool 2 minutes; remove from baking sheet. Cool completely on wire racks. Frost or decorate as desired with
ready to spread frosting (or your favorite homemade). SUGAR COOKIE PUMPKINS 1 cup butter or margarine,
softened 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2
teaspoon baking powder 1 cookie decorator (in a 4 1/2 -ounce pressurized can) In a large bowl with an electric mixer,
blend together the butter and sugar. Add the eggs, vanilla, and 1 cup flour and mix well. By hand, fold the remaining flour,
the baking soda, and the baking powder. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease
a large baking sheet. On a lightly floured board, roll out the dough until it is 1/8 inch thick. Cut out the cookies
with a pumpkin shaped cookie cutter and place them on the baking sheet. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, until lightly browned. Remove
from the oven and let cool thoroughly before decorating. Makes 2 to 3 dozen cookies

GAMES & ACTIVITIES PIN THE STEM ON THE PUMPKIN- A classic spin off from pin the tail on the donkey. Make a very
large pumpkin out of poster board and tape to the wall. Then cut out a bunch of stems from green construction paper. Have
participants close their eyes and try to tape the stem on the pumpkin, closest wins! PUMPKIN BOWLING Collect
5 empty two-liter bottles and fill 1/4 of the way up with rocks or sand. (something to weigh them down) These are your bowling
pins. For the bowling balls use miniature pumpkins and see who can knock the most down! CUPCAKE WALK Cut
out many large size pumpkins from orange construction paper. Number these and tape down on the floor. You will also need a
big batch of Halloween cupcakes, either homemade or from the store. On small slips of paper write down all of the numbers
you have on the pumpkins and place the slips in a small paper bag. Have guests stand on each of the pumpkins and play spooky
music. After a little while stop the music and pull out a slip of paper with a number on it, whoever is standing on that pumpkin
gets a cupcake! HALLOWEEN CLOTHES GRAB BAG ·Gather up all kinds of Halloween and/or funny clothing articles
and stuff it in a duffle bag or large pillow case. ·Pass the bag around. Each person must take out one article without
looking. ·Play some music and have everyone walk down modeling their item! CANDY CORN DROP ·Each
participant is given 15 pieces of candy corn. ·Players stand over the glass and drop pieces of candy corn, one at
a time, into a glass on the floor. ·The person who gets the most corn in the glass wins!

DECORATIONS DRYER HOSE PUMPKIN Makes a wonderful Centerpiece! Supplies needed: Dryer vent Orange
spray paint Green felt Fake fall leaves Tacky Glue Green spray paint Cone shaped styrofoam Small
wiggly eyes Small black pom pom Green pipe cleaners * Cut off section of dryer vent and make into a circle
glueing the two ends together. * Spray paint the vent orange (let dry) * Spray paint the styrofoam green for the
stem (let dry) * Curl the green pipe cleaner around your finger. Put a little glue on the pipe cleaner and place on top
in center hole of pumpkin. Place glue on styrofoam stem and press down into center on top of pumpkin. * Cut two
green leaves out of felt and place on top of pumpkin. * Glue additional fall leaves to the bottom of the pumpkin (it
then looks like it's sitting in a pile of leaves.) * Glue wiggly eyes to the black pom pom and glue on green leaf on
top of pumpkin. HALLOWEEN SCARECROW You will need: · 4 small spools · 1 large spool ·
Jute cording · Wooden ball for head · Craft glue · Acrylic paint · Raffia · Marking pen (optional)
Paint the large spool and two of the small spools brown. Paint the other small spools blue. Allow to dry. String
the body together using the jute cording. The large spool is the body of the scarecrow. The small brown spools are his arms
and the blue ones are his legs. Put a little bit of glue on the raffia and stuff into the holes so it looks like the
scarecrow has straw coming out his arms and legs. Paint or draw a face on the wooden ball. Glue the ball to the body.
Glue some raffia to the top of the scarecrow's head.

JOKES & SONGS Q: What do you get when you cross a were-wolf with a drip-dry suit? A: A wash-and-werewolf.
Q: What did the papa ghost say to the baby ghost? A: Fasten your sheet belt. Q: What is a witch with
poison ivy called? A: An itchy witchy. Q: Who does a ghoul fall in love with? A: His ghoul friend.
Q: What kind of hot dogs do werewolves like best? A: Hallowieners. Q: Why did the witch stand up in front
of the audience? A: She had to give a screech. Q: Why did the witch's mail rattle? A: It was a chain
letter. Q: What do birds give out on Halloween? A: Tweets. Q: What do goblins mail home while
on vacation? A: Ghostcards. Q: What's black, white, orange, and waddles? A: A penguin with a jack-o-lantern.
Q: Why do ghosts go to baseball games? A: Because they like to boo the umpire. Q:
Why did the baby ghost go to the doctor before halloween? A: To get a BOOster shot. Q: When is it bad
luck to see a black cat? A: When you're a mouse. Q: Why did the black cat cross the road? A: To catch
up with the chicken. JOY TO THE WORLD (to the tune of JOY TO THE WORLD.) Joy to the world, It's
Halloween. The night of fright has come! This time of year we wait. We hope he won't be late. The Great Pumpkin
will come, The Great Pumpkin will come, The Great, The GREAT Pumpkin will come. He rules the world, On Hallow's
Eve. He's coming here tonight. Let's go into the pumpkin patch They'll put us in the booby hatch, But we will
have such fun, But we will have such fun, But we, But we will have such fun. We Three Ghosts (to the tune
of We Three Kings) We three ghosts of Halloween are Scaring kids who wander too far. Trick or treating, candy
eating, Watching for the Halloween Star. Oh...oh... Star of darkness, star of fright. Star of every gruesome
sight. West winds howling, cat's a-yowling, Let us play some tricks tonight! On the First Day of Halloween
On the First Day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me: A hoot owl in a dead tree. Two trick or treaters,
Three black cats, Four skeletons, Five Snicker bars, Six goblins gobbling, Seven pumpkins glowing, Eight
monsters shrieking, Nine ghosts a-booing, Ten ghouls a-groaning, Eleven masks a-leering, Twelve bats a-flying.