STROLLS-Go for a walk around the neighborhood. CROQUET-You don't have to follow all of the rules, just enjoy yourselves.
BADMINTON HORSESHOES-Some safer and lighter versions of these are available. HOMEMADE LEMONADE
FRISBEE BBQ!! Great fun for all. GARDEN CLUB-Plant and care for flowers and vegetables. CATCH/VOLLEYBALL-Super
easy with a beach ball. KITE FLYING AND/OR MAKING BIRD WATCHING-Can keep a journal and research the different
varieties of birds in your area. Make or buy bird feeders and keep them full. MINI GOLF BOWLING WADING-Seniors
really enjoy cooling off their feet in a small pool. PINECONE BIRD FEEDERS-Spread peanut butter on pine cones and
then roll in bird seed and hang from a tree with fishing line. Also string cheerios or fruit loops for the birds.
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