Exercises are very important to staying healthy. Exercise improves flexibility and range of motion for
bones and joints. Here are some simple ideas that can be done while sitting in a chair. NECK EXERCISES
1) While sitting straight up in your chair slowly tilt head back and look up at the ceiling then tilt
head down to your chest. Repeat several times. 2) Touch your ear to your left shoulder and then to your right. Repeat
ten times. 3) Shrug your shoulders up to your ears and back down again. Repeat five times.
4) Turn head and look over left shoulder, then the right shoulder. Repeat five times. SHOULDER AND ARM
EXERCISES 1) Arm Circles- extend arms sideways, palms down and do small, slow circles. Repeat ten times.
2) Shoulder Shrugs-Alternate between left and right. Five times each side. HAND, WRIST & FINGERS
1) Grasping right wrist with left hand slowly rotate right hand making large complete circles with palms facing
down. Clockwise and then counterclockwise. Five times each hand. 2) Finger Spreading- With arms extended,
palms facing down, spread fingers wide apart and then bring back together again. Ten times. 3) Thumb rotations-
Rotate both thumbs forward slowly and then repeat the process in reverse. Ten times. 4) Finger Stretching-
Gently grab your left hand with your right and bend fingers back and then forward slowly. Five times each hand.
ANKLE EXERCISES 5) Finger Extension- Extend arms forward, Clench fists tightly then extend fingers.
Ten times each hand. 1) Foot Rotations- Cross right leg over left knee and rotate right foot clockwise
slowly making large complete circles. Then rotate foot counterclockwise. Repeat with left foot. Ten times each.
2) Leg Circles- Extend left leg out in front of you and make large complete circles. Repeat with right
leg. Five times each. THIGH EXERCISES 1) While keeping feet together, separate legs at the knees then
bring back together. Ten times. ABDOMINAL EXERCISES 1) March in place. Start slowly and then
pretend as if you were running: go as fast as you can. 2) Scissor Kicks- Right leg over left and then
left over right. Ten times total. 3) Extend arm out to the side with the palm facing up. Extend arm up over
body and back down. Repeat with opposite arm. Five times each.
THANK YOU to Jerry Brown for submitting the following idea:
cut strips of different colored streamers..teach them figure 8's, horizontals, up and down pops,
side to side swings,put a routine together, play upbeat music and use routine...can line up and do peel offs.
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