Reminiscing- photo albums, childhood memories
Memory Boxes
Old Radio
Make Lap Quilts
Flower Arranging
Finger Painting
Visits with Children
Name That Tune
Jigsaw Puzzles
Picture Books- make out of 3 ring binders and pictures from magazines. Try different themed books like babies, vacations,
animals, etc.
Readings of poetry or other stories
Play cassettes of ocean waves, birds, etc.
Make touch books out of different textures such as cotton, wool, silk, etc.
String popcorn or cheerios for birds
Talking Books
Brush and fix resident's hair
Manicures and hand massages
Building with Wood
Herbal Tea
THANK YOU to Jerry Brown for submitting the following idea:
I have an electric piano that I take to the rooms of the bed bound patients. Depending
on the age, I play music that I think was popular in their period of growing up.. I play hymns..Sometime I take other wheel
chair patients in with me and we all sing songs together. Remarkable things have happened. People that never talked,
or listened, or responded to other things responded to this.
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