COUNTRY DRIVES-About an hour in length. Take a tour of various back roads in your area where you would find a pleasant
view. Stop by a fruit stand. Check for flowers, barns,old houses, etc. PICNICS-Check out the local parks and bring
a standard sack lunch. Check for wheelchair accessibility if applicable. MUSEUMS-Take seniors on tours of some of
the locals. NURSERY-These are neat to visit whether you are buying or just gazing. SHOPPING TRIPS-Go to
various dept. stores to buy or just browse. May want to take a trip to the mall at Christmas time. LIBRARY-Help
seniors get their own library cards and check out some books. Be sure to help them remember to return them. BEACH
TRIP-Or a trip to the lake. Have a picnic and take in the sights. SCHOOLS-Grade schools, middle schools and high
schools are all a great resource. Seniors may want to visit a class as guest speakers or join in on a cooking group. Trips
to plays and performances are great too. OUT FOR MEALS-Make reservations at a local restaurant and enjoy the trip
out. BOWLING ALLEY-For seniors who are still able to bowl this is a lot of fun. Even for those who don't bowl they
might like to go along and watch. CITY HALL-Take a tour of your local city hall or courthouse. COUNTY FAIRS
ICE CREAM SHOPS FISHING TRIP-Head out for a day of fun. Be sure to have equipment for everyone And
make a plan for lunch. CAPITOL BUILDING-Seniors will enjoy a tour of your state capitol. ZOO-If you have
one in your area, check it out and see if it might be feasible to take a visit there. LOCAL PLAYS/CONCERTS-Be sure
to plan in advance and get tickets early. TRAIN RIDE-Take a ride to a different town and have lunch or dinner.
PARADES-Bring chairs and plenty of refreshments. ANIMAL SHELTER-You may be able to take a tour of your local
animal shelter and visit with the animals. ART GALLERY ANTIQUE STORE SPORTS GAMES-At a local grade
school or park. CIRCUS-When one comes to your area try making it an outing. LOCAL FARMS GARAGE
SALES-Seniors will probably get tired quickly but will have a good time. COVERED BRIDGE-Some are still around, find
out if there are any in your area. SENIOR CENTER-Great place to meet new friends and partake in many activities.
LOCAL SITES OF INTEREST-Your Chamber of Commerce or visitor's center is a great resource of information. They
have brochures of the local recreation and can often answer many of your questions.
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