You will need: salt, food coloring, wax paper, bowls and clear jars with lids.
Place salt in each of the bowls and add different food coloring to each bowl. Mix well. Spread each color onto a sheet
of wax paper to dry. Once dry, pour into jars in different layers until jar is full and then put on lid tightly!
You will need: serveral small to medium sized pebbles. You can buy these or collect them with your residents if possible.
You will also need saucers (the bottoms to large clay pots), potting soil and starter plants.
After planting the plants in the saucers, the residents can then add the pebbles to create their gardens!
Drop several small pebbles into empty soda cans and tape shut. Then decorate the outside of the cans any way you
would like. Now you have a fun instrument that can be used during exercises, music class or anytime just for fun!
Mix 1 tsp honey, 1tsp veg oil and 1/4 tsp lime juice. Rub into hands for 10 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.
Make your own jigsaw puzzles by collecting several photos of the residents and then cutting them up into different pieces.
Put the cut up photos in different envelopes and then let the residents have fun by putting them back together! Make this
as easy or difficult as you would like, make it a game by seeing who can complete their's first.